Thursday, August 15, 2013


Once upon a time there was a Town Mouse. He was visiting his cousin the Country Mouse. Once he got there, the Country Mouse could only offer beans and bacon. The Town Mouse said “Is this you have to offer? Come with me and live.” The Country Mouse and the Town Mouse went to the town. “The Town Mouse said Would you like some refreshments after our long journey?” So they went in a grand dining- room that had leftovers from a fine feast. And soon they were eating cakes and jellies and all that was good. Then they herd growling and barking. “What is that?” said the Country Mouse. The Town Mouse said “It is only the dogs of the house.” “Only!” said the Country Mouse. “I don’t like that music at my dinner.” Then the dogs came in. The mice had to scamper down the table. ”Goodbye cousin” said the Country Mouse. “What! Going so soon?” said the other. “Yes” he replied. 

 Better beans and bacon in peace than cakes and ale in fear

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